Motherwort Leonurus cardiaca other names include cowthwort, Lion’s ear, Lion’s tail and throw-wort. A member of the mint family with square stems, opposite leaves and lipped flowers common to all mints. Motherwort like Skullcap is a bitter mint, too bitter really for an infusion or a tea although you can I find it a bit much, it's also very prickly. I make a tincture with the fresh flowering tops and 100 proof vodka. It has scattered itself throughout my garden and is a welcome sight every spring.
Motherwort as tincture, in a 10-20 drop dose can alleviate frazzled nerves, emotional upset when you can’t seem to get a hold of yourself. It blends perfectly with rose for this purpose as beautifully supportive nervine. As a cardiovascular herb one dropper full (approx 30 drops) twice daily of Motherwort tincture blended with Hawthorn berry, flower and leaf tincture as mild hypotensive herb meaning it can be used to decrease hypertension.
Motherwort fresh or dry can be used as a bath tea for itchy skin. It work! I have used it many times when I’ve been bitten by these seasonal critters we have here called noseeums, they have a nasty bite like tiny invisible velociraptors with venom, awful and itchy.
A bit of folklore, in 1652 Nicholas Culpeper wrote, “There is no better herb to take melancholy vapours from the heart, to strengthen it, and make a merry, cheerful, blithe soul than this herb.”
Pregnancy (uterine stimulant),
or if there is menstrual flooding.
Do not use with other sedatives or blood thinners, thyroid medications, or with blood pressure medicine as Motherwort may exagerrate the effects of such drugs or substances.
Motherwort may aggravate hypothyroidism or be contra-indicated with treatment for same.
A bit about dropper fulls:
A “dropper full” is however much the tube fills up with one squeeze - even if the entire tube does not appear full - That is 1 dropper full, and now you know!
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